Jim Dixon

Jim Dixon (from Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh) was severely wounded in a Provisional IRA bomb explosion at the war memorial in Enniskillen in November 1987.
The attack, which became known as the ÔPoppy Day BombingÕ claimed the lives of 11 people and injured a further 63 other people, 19 of them seriously. The bombing is widely regarded as one of the worst single incidents of the conflict and may have been a significant turning point in eventually moving the Provisional IRA towards declaring its ceasefire, some seven years later, in 1994.
William Mullan Ð Lost Lives Ref. 2883
Agnes Mullan 2884, Kitchner Johnston 2885, Jessie Johnston 2886, Wesley Armstrong 2887, Bertha Armstrong 2888, Edward Armstrong 2889, John Megaw 2890, Georgina Quinton 2891, Samuel Gault 2892 and Marie Wilson 2893.

Jim Dixon

Jim Dixon (from Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh) was severely wounded in a Provisional IRA bomb explosion at the war memorial in Enniskillen in November 1987. The attack, which became known as the ÔPoppy Day BombingÕ claimed the lives of 11 people and injured a further 63 other people, 19 of them seriously. The bombing is widely

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