
Our last delivery with epilogues: The Human Face Of Conflict funding took place over two weekends in The Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown. It kicked off on Friday 17th May and concluded on Sunday 2nd June. Twelve women took part. While mainly from an urban setting it was balanced evenly in terms of a CNR/PUL background and three were from a rural background.

A big thanks here on behalf of one and all to the staff of the Glenavon House Hotel who looked after our every need and made our stay so comfortable. 

Here’s some of the feedback comments from participants: 

  • “A key takeaway was learning different people’s perspectives from other areas of our wee country.”
  • “Realising that very few people have not been affected by the war that was here.”
  • “Listening, active listening to everyone’s perspectives.” 
  • “Taking each person as an individual and not from their community.”
  • “This programme should be rolled out and facilitated to everyone in the community, youth clubs, young offenders and especially in educational training in schools and universities.”
  • “That elements of the troubles still continue today in our society in both communities.”
  • “I’m taking away a shared disappointment in our authorities in particular the police service”
  • “I’ve noticed that I have more trust which has held me back in the past.  I found myself to be more open and in doing so I’m determined to do it in a balanced way.  I will continue to practice even if I’m in a community that’s totally catholic.”
  • “We are not so different”
  • “I’ve noticed that I am more understanding and willing to listen more.”
  • “I believe epilogues is an amazing course and I believe it is a benefit to everyone who took part.”
  • “Learning from different opinions and upbringings.  Not seeing just one point of view, and not having to agree.”
  • “I’ve noticed myself really listening which means not focused on getting a reply sorted in my head.”
  • “I’ve noticed I’m losing up (researching) people/incidents to find out more.”
  • “I’ve notice myself asking more questions & discussing events in the troubles with my husband and hearing his thoughts/views as a person who had first hand experience.”
  • “The course isn’t an easy process, it’s challenging but a very worthwhile process.”
  • “Its sparked my interest and renewed my faith in the power of a group of women.”
  • “Poignant: incredibly moving and tragic.”
  • “I feel better for having been on this programme, enjoyed meeting everyone.”

Thank you one and all for all you brought to the programme, the sharing and what you are bringing back into your lives. Our followup session happened on Tuesday 4th June and while only four women could make it, the spirit of solidarity and connection generated in the sessions was evident in the feedback given to “what if any have been the long-term impacts of having completed the epilogues programme”.

Thanks once again to Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Irish government’s Department of Foreign Affairs Reconciliation Fund without whose support this delivery to women’s groups across Northern Ireland could not be possible. 

Finally we have just tied down Tuesday 25th June as the day we will invite all graduates from the 12 deliveries of the programme that took place under this funding to A Celebratory Gathering of what’s been achieved by the delivery and to explore possible


Our last delivery with epilogues: The Human Face Of Conflict funding took place over two weekends in The Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown. It kicked off on Friday 17th May and concluded on Sunday 2nd June. Twelve women took part. While mainly from an urban setting it was balanced evenly in terms of a CNR/PUL background

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