
This delivery took place over two successive weekends in The Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown. It began on the afternoon of Friday 12th April and concluded on Sunday 21st April. Thirteen women took part. It was a balanced mix of women in regard to perspectives on the conflict with seven coming from a PUL and 6 coming from a CNR. There was once again a number of younger women and the intergenerational aspect to the learning brought a future facing aspect to the conversations and outlook.

A big thanks here on behalf of one and all to the staff of the Glenavon House Hotel who looked after our every need and made our stay so comfortable. 

Here’s some of the feedback comments from participants: 

  • “The key learning I’m taking away is that we all matter”
  • “The key learning I’m taking away is that we can make a difference”
  • “The key learning I’m taking away is how naive and gullible I was, that people need to stick together, stand up for their rights, need to be honest and truthful.
  • “What I’ve noticed myself doing differently as a result of the programme is being more open minded and actively listening to people’s personal stories and having more empathy for both sides.”
  • “The key learning I’m taking away is that truth and justice are very important to people”
  • “What I’ve noticed myself doing differently as a result of the programme is walking down the Shankill, shopping in their shops and eating in the restaurants. Speaking with the shopkeepers and having no fear.”
  • “The key learning I’m taking away is that knowledge of every angle is important and I have less fear because I’m understanding more.”
  • “What I’ve noticed myself doing differently as a result of the programme is looking at my own behaviour, not wanting to accept information that may be conflicting to what I already know. I need to address that…. facts are facts.”
  • “I am more open to hearing other perspectives even if it doesn’t align with my world view and this is something I can take into my personal life… listening with curiosity as conflict resolution and appreciation of other perspectives.”

Thank you one and all for all you brought to the programme, the sharing and what you are brining back into your lives. Our followup session is scheduled for Tuesday 4th June. The session will reflect on what if any have been the long-term impacts of having completed the epilogues programme, and look in a more focused way on applying the learning to the issues of the day be that in their respective communities or internationally e.g. the horrendous human rights abuses unfolding in Gaza on a daily basis. 

Thanks once again to Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Irish government’s Department of Foreign Affairs Reconciliation Fund without whose support this delivery to women’s groups across Northern Ireland could not be possible. 

Finally we have just tied down Tuesday 25th June as the day we will invite all graduates from the 12 deliveries of the programme that took place under this funding to a celebratory Gathering of what’s been achieved by the delivery and to explore possible next steps.


This delivery took place over two successive weekends in The Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown. It began on the afternoon of Friday 12th April and concluded on Sunday 21st April. Thirteen women took part. It was a balanced mix of women in regard to perspectives on the conflict with seven coming from a PUL and 6

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