
This delivery began in Corrymeela on Monday 15th November 2021 but given Covid didn’t conclude until Thursday 31st March 2022 in the Armagh City Hotel. It was organised through the Rural Community Network in partnership with Northern Ireland Rural Womens’ Network. Due to difficulties with getting a date that suited everyone and loss of momentum caused by a number of false starts for the second weekend, only seven of the original 12 participants completed the programme.

Here is some of the feedback we got from the participants:

  • “Instead of thinking about the “role of sectarianism” the lack of understanding/ignorance in our society. I am now understanding Human Rights.”
  • [What I’m taking away is] we all have our reasons for acting in the manner we do; we need to realise this also applies for others.”
  • “I learned about troubles history from a holistic perspective, we shared our views, and experiences, listened with respect and understanding.” 
  • “[What I’m taking away is] the benefits to open discussion and debate on contentious issues.” 

This delivery brought a much too neglected rural voice into the picture. Once again the combination of taboo breaking film-testimony and agreement based practice generated ensured honest sharing of the fear, suspicion and intimidation the violent conflict engendered.

The residential is the initial aspect of epilogues: The Human Face of Conflict roll out. These participants will come together in a few months to explore what if any are the longer term impacts of their participation in the programme.  Thereafter in the new year they will be invited to a Gathering of graduates from three other deliveries to widen and deepen the connections already forged by their participation. They will also explore possible next steps as active citizens, be that on an individual or a collective basis going forward.

A big thanks also to Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Irish government’s Department of Foreign Affairs Reconciliation Fund without whose support this delivery to women’s groups across Northern Ireland could not be possible. 


This delivery began in Corrymeela on Monday 15th November 2021 but given Covid didn’t conclude until Thursday 31st March 2022 in the Armagh City Hotel. It was organised through the Rural Community Network in partnership with Northern Ireland Rural Womens’ Network. Due to difficulties with getting a date that suited everyone and loss of momentum

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