This delivery took place in the Burrendale Hotel, Newcastle, Co. Down beginning on Tuesday 28th September 2021 and concluding two weeks later on Thursday 14th October 2021. A big thanks on behalf of one and all to the staff of the Burrendale who looked after our every need and made our stay so comfortable.
Here is some of the feedback we got from participants:
- “I learned so much I didn’t know. I feel I have new friends.”
- “[What I’m taking away is] Other people views”
- “Dialogue: listen as well as talk”
- “Both communities are equal. Both sides suffered badly”
- “[What I’m taking away is] War is not the answer”
- “Although the ‘them’ and ‘us’ are fundamentally different they are actually exactly the same.”
The importance of practicing dialogue, of learning to listen were also key learnings shared in the closing circle. On my part the delivery once again underscored the importance our process of generating and practicing the group agreements and their evolving impact on the sharing as the programme progresses and trust is built. I came away with great respect for the day to day leadership that comes women’s everyday lives. A lasting memory is one particular canny woman’s ability to say very little and then in a very few words put her finger on the nub of an issue being discussed.
The residential is the initial aspect of epilogues: The Human Face of Conflict roll out. These participants will come together in a few months to explore what if any are the longer term impacts of their participation in the programme. Thereafter in the new year they will be invited to a Gathering of graduates from three other deliveries to widen and deepen the connections already forged by their participation. They will also explore possible next steps as active citizens, be that on an individual or a collective basis going forward.
A big thanks also to Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Irish government’s Department of Foreign Affairs Reconciliation Fund without whose support this delivery to women’s groups across Northern Ireland could not be possible.
This delivery took place in the Burrendale Hotel, Newcastle, Co. Down beginning on Tuesday 28th September 2021 and concluding two weeks later on Thursday 14th October 2021. A big thanks on behalf of one and all to the staff of the Burrendale who looked after our every need and made our stay so comfortable. Here
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